Primary Financial Statements – Outreach event – 1 September 2020
Posted: 15 July 2020
The IASB’s project on Primary Financial Statements (PFS) proposes improvements to the way information is communicated in the financial statements. The PFS project is part of the IASB’s wider work on “Better Communication in Financial Reporting”. Several stakeholders (a.o. ABAF/BVFA in collaboration with EFRAG) have already organised joint outreach events to get input from amongst others analysts on the new proposals.
EFRAG has now announced an interesting new joint outreach event that they organize in collaboration with Business Europe and takes place on 1 September 2020. The roundtable will discuss the proposals with and to get input from preparers. The insights of EFRAG’s field-testing will also be presented and discussed with a panel of preparers.
Why you should follow the webinar?
The webinar may also be interesting for analysts to understand better the way preparers are looking at the proposals regarding operating profit, integral and non-integral associates, by nature or by function… and all other issues captured in the ED General Presentation and Disclosures.
When attending the webinar, you will also be able to contribute to the discussion through polling surveys and Q&A sessions. Afterwards, the insights of the webinar will be published on our website.
You can already register for the event via EFRAG’s website.