About Us

ABAF/BVFA is a professional non-profit organization and was founded in 1958.

We are the centre of expertise for the community of investment professionals in Belgium, i.e. corporate finance professionals, private bankers & investors, PE houses, family offices. We build a common knowledge base on financial analysis, reporting, valuation and communication and thereby want to raise the professional standard for investment professionals in those domains.

In that way, we want to contribute to the improvement of the quality, adequacy and correctness of financial, corporate and non-financial information provided to investors.

We are member of EFFAS, the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, a pan-European group of national societies, that is continuously in contact with the economic and financial authorities in order to facilitate the modernization and best knowledge of capital markets. Thanks to our collaboration, we can keep our Belgian companies informed about the latest standards for the finance industry.

Our Goals & Main Activities

Organization of Certified trainings

We encourage the expertise development of the Belgian investment professionals. We therefore organize certified financial training courses on a regular basis, such as ESG, Financial Analysis, Risk,…

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ABAF Awards for Best Financial Communication

Each year, we organize the Annual Award for the Best Financial Communication, a balanced and quantified appreciation of the financial communication practices of a wide selection of Belgian listed and non-listed companies. The purpose of our Awards is to help quoted companies improve their direct and indirect, financial and non-financial communication. A strong collaboration between analysts and investor relation people has been created.

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We partner with international networks

As a partner of international networks such as EFFAS and ACIIA, we want to raise the professional standard in valuation and reporting of our members. We actively work together on financial analysis, training updates, IFRS taxonomy, ESG and Integrated Reporting.

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Ethical code

We framework and guard the ethical behavior of our members-investment professionals. We have set up an ethical code that translates current law and high standards in daily language for our members. This code is not only implemented by our association, but by all EFFAS members.

We offer a common knowledge base

We regularly update our professional community on significant developments in the financial industry through our website and social media. We also share our expertise and specific domain knowledge via seminars, webinars, joint events with EFRAG,…

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