Hans Buysse


Hans Buysse was chairman of ABAF/BVFA for 9 years (2003-2012). He then was vice-chairman for 6 years and has been re-elected chairman in 2019. Hans represents the association internationally. He is a member of the EFFAS Executive Management Committee and a member of the EFRAG Administrative Board representing the users. He was a member of the Consultative Working Group (CWG) of the Corporate Reporting Standard Committee (CRSC) of ESMA, vice-chairman and member of the EFRAG (Financial Reporting) Board, chairman of XBRL International and vice-chairman of XBRL Europe.

Hans is Managing Partner of Clairfield International in Belgium and Adjunct Professor at Vlerick Business School.

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Other Board Members

Luc Van der Elst

René Clerix

Luc Keuleneer

Rudy De Groodt

Serge Pattyn

Thomas Stul

Johan Van den Branden

Rudy Vandorpe